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Replay Mode

You can review the map events retrospectively using the replay mode. This feature is found at the bottom of the tail length selection menu.

The replay starts from the time of the first entry or the location of the patrol and ends at the last timestamp. You can choose the playback speed between 1-6000 times the normal speed.

When using the replay, it is advisable to use filters as well. A vector map or an aerial photo can be a clear background.

You can create a video of the replay using the screen recording function of your mobile phone. In this case, the center focus function on the patrol location can be useful.

Presentation Tips

In a web browser, you can zoom the display to, for example, 120% through the browser menu. This enlarges the line thicknesses of the map and the annotation texts, which can be useful when sharing the screen via a projector or over the internet.

It is advisable to put the browser in full-screen mode. The keyboard shortcut for full-screen mode is usually F11.

When debriefing a search, it is advisable to filter areas and patrol visibility so that only the relevant information is displayed on the map.

Video about the replay feature can be found in the Facebook group.